
What's all this about Froggy Far East Fog?

First off, welcome to our blog! Since we obviously failed at sending newsletters the past few years, we are trying a new avenue of informing the general public about our happenings. Though we are still in the States for now, we want to keep you all updated (and get in the habit of regularly updating this blog) as our departure date draws nearer and nearer.

Our goal for this blog is to frequently add snapshots of our daily lives, whether that means bizarre photos, a journal about the day, or a reflection on what the Father is doing in our lives. We can't guarantee how often we will post, due to internet connection and whatnot, but we will try hard to post something every once in a while. (Under-promise and over-deliver, right?)

The title of our blog, "Of Frogger, Fog, & the Far East," was solely my (Marta's) idea. Both Daniel and I agreed that we wanted to keep our friends and family in the loop while we moved to China for the second time, but we could not come up with a good title. After much deliberation, we came to a stalemate, deciding that all the titles we had come up with were cheesy. So that is when I, out of desperation, penned this title at an hour way past my normal bedtime. It may still be quite the cheesy title, but I have grown fond of it. My goal is to slowly but surely explain my thoughts on the title and why I chose the words that I did. I don't want to overwhelm you all at once, so I'll spread out my oh-so-intelligent interpretations of the title over the next few blog posts.

Enjoy! 我们欢迎你!

1 comment:

  1. Love it. Love it. Love it. Love you guys! Can't wait to read about what God is doing in and through you guys! Going to be so great!
