
And for inquiring minds...

We figure we should post pictures of our apartment so that you get a feel for what our everyday life is like. This is by no means a standard Chinese apartment; this is the apartment our school provides for us in the foreign (think "anyone who is not Chinese") teacher dorm. It's quite a nice set up for just the two of us!

Our living room. All of the furniture came with the apartment, except for our rockin' purple couch. Notice our AC/Heating unit up on the wall? Three of those cool/heat our entire apartment.

This is our bedroom, with quite the menagerie of furniture. We're hoping to paint it this coming October holiday (yes, we get seven days off to celebrate the start of communism in China). Any votes on what colors we should paint it?
This is our spare bathroom. Our "master bath" is exactly like this one, except we have towels hanging all over the place, trying to prevent mold.
This is our kitchen, though this picture makes it seem a lot bigger than it actually is. We pretty much only have room to wash dishes and cook on the gas stove. Having two people in there is pushing it... three is definitely a crowd.

And this is our dining room, with our lovely oven and microwave that we just recently got. We promise that those two bottles on the counter are just white vinegar, though they look like something else. 
So that's our apartment! You should come visit sometime, since it's much better in person.    

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